Urban futures methodology – a viable support in urban development planning?





Urban Futures, urban development, urban resilience, support for planning


In this paper so far less known Urban Futures methodology, which allows for i.a. evaluating the resilience of urban development solutions, is presented. On the one hand, the procedure is described in details. On the other one, possibilities for its utilisation are critically assessed. That was possible due to practical testing during a workshop which was held within the frames of a research project financed by EU. This methodology is quite labour- intensive, less recommended for big settlement units and complex initiatives. Moreover, in some circumstances its subjectivity might be revealed. On the other hand, it offers a viable support for planners. It expands their analytical horizons, which is vital when it comes to the uncertainty of future condition of natural resources, as well social and economic development trajectories.


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How to Cite

Pielesiak, I., & Ogrodowczyk, A. (2020). Urban futures methodology – a viable support in urban development planning?. Space – Society – Economy, (31), 105–120. https://doi.org/10.18778/1733-3180.31.06


