The purpose of the following study is to identify social housing policy within the sphere of the state’s hosing policy. This study delineates basic dilemmas concerning social housing policy; in particular the dilemmas concerning the principles of the allocation of the social housing stock, types of target groups, forms of hosing within the scope of social housing policy, separation of the responsibility for the realization of social aims between the central administration and local authorities, as well as the degree of private sector participation in social housing. Over the last few decades the approach of the UE to the above dilemmas of the social housing policy has lead not only to a high variety of the social housing stock but also to a divergence of housing systems. Thus, it has been postulated that the interference of the UE authorities in housing systems should encompass national diversities. It has also been suggested in the article to introduce a criterion of unsatisfied housing needs in the principles of the allocation of social apartments as a supplement to the income criterion. Such an action, according to the author, should facilitate a more precise fulfillment of the most urgent housing needs. The organizational forms which may complete this task are among all local authorities and non-profit housing organizations cooperating with local authorities. However, these activities should be complemented with an adequate tenement policy which would enable a proper repair management of the social housing stock. This housing allowance instrument would support the most sensitive groups in covering maintenance costs. Furthermore, there should be precise principles according to which the residents will be excluded from the stock or transferred to lower-standard apartments if they fail to comply with the rules of social intercourse or lag behind with rent. The global financial crisis has contributed to a change in the conditions of the social housing policy. The European Commission is gradually changing its attitude towards the state’s support within the scope of social housing. Furthermore, due to the financial crisis there has been an increase in the demand for long-term low-risk investments, which is an extraordinary chance for social housing and the instruments for its funding. These instruments are based on the mortgage banking mechanism or secutitization mechanism.
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