Why do We Need “Old Interviews?” On Reusing Qualitative Data (Re-visits, Re-analysis, and More)
re-use of data, qualitative data archives, re-analysis, re-visitsAbstract
The article concerns issues related to the possibilities of reusing data from completed and archived qualitative research in Poland. Referring to the experience of the Qualitative Data Archive (ADJ), as well as the experiences of other similar Polish institutions, the authors point to the causes, goals, but also the effects of collecting and using this type of materials. In the further part of the text, they organize and explain the concepts used by researchers working with “the old data,” and discuss work using such resources. Based on the practices of Anglo-Saxon researchers, they distinguish from the broad category of “re-use” the concepts of re-analyses (reanalyses), as well as re-visits (revisits). They also discuss the benefits of this type of activities, including the possibility of using previously accumulated resources in the teaching process. Finally, referring to selected examples, they point to the effects of data sharing, often used for completely new purposes and in a different way than originally assumed by the primary researchers.
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