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Research as a Practice of Solidarity? On a Feminist Research Process with Syrian Women with Refugee Experience in Lebanon




feminist research, activist research, refugee women, Syrian women, grassroots organizing


This article is the result of a methodological reflection on conducting ethnographic research with women with experience of exile. It is based on more than 5 years of ethnography carried out with Syrian women in Lebanon, following feminist and activist approaches. The article aims to address the question of whether and how sociological research can be an element of observed change and the practice of solidarity. The reflection is grounded in theoretical inspirations and ongoing debates on participatory approaches to action and research with hitherto marginalized persons, with a particular focus on women from the Global South and refugee women, which inspired the choice of the research topic and directed specific methodological paths. Examining the components of the research process, I view it as a practice of solidarity (following the typology suggested by Louise Lamphere) and explore the dilemmas associated with this type of engagement and the implementation of feminist activist research.


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Author Biography

Inga Hajdarowicz, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Badaczki i Badacze na Granicy

Doktorka socjologii; jej zainteresowania naukowe koncentrują się wokół zagadnień demokracji uczestniczącej, inicjatyw oddolnych, ruchów feministycznych i migracji. Jej doktorat dotyczył oddolnych strategii wspierania uchodźczyń na podstawie działań wybranych inicjatyw syryjskich w Libanie. Członkini grupy koordynującej Badaczek i Badaczy na Granicy.


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How to Cite

Hajdarowicz, I. (2024). Research as a Practice of Solidarity? On a Feminist Research Process with Syrian Women with Refugee Experience in Lebanon. Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej, 20(4), 166–189.

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