“I Am Susceptible to This Rat Race”: Careers of Working-Class Academics Born After 1980 in the Narrative Perspective
social class, academics, career, generational changeAbstract
This article addresses the issue of the patterns of pursuing academic careers by people with working-class backgrounds, a topic that has not been explored by Polish researchers so far. The analysis was based on narrative biographical interviews with the academic staff of Polish universities born after 1980, who, despite coming from families with modest intellectual traditions and scarce social, cultural, and economic capital, managed to enter the academic world successfully. Based on the collected data, we try to identify the factors influencing their academic careers. The main point of this article is that the course of an academic career and the chances of achieving success in the world of science depend on diverse factors. They are both dependent on and independent of an individual, and range from: 1) individual talents, competencies, and psychosocial predispositions; 2) external conditions, e.g. legislative, technological, etc.; and 3) socio-demographic categories such as class background, generational changes, and gender.
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