Trolls at School: A Story about the Stages of Positive Labeling of People with Disabilities Through Micro-Interactions
integration through art, evaluation, sensitizing concepts, positive labeling, theatre pedagogyAbstract
The evaluation of the pedagogical-theatrical project Trolls is a source of data on the basis of which we propose the use of positive labeling categories. We expanded it by naming the stages of this form of labeling: bewilderment, taming, initiation, and inclusion. We described the social consequences of gradually becoming familiar with differences, including and placing people with disabilities in the center. We showed how the labeling mechanism was used in artistic-educational activities and redirected toward a discussion of the values of social diversity.
Trolls is a play and workshop created by the Theatre 21 Foundation. It is aimed at primary school students and conducted in classrooms. Through explicit observations, and by referring to the relations between theater educators and actors and class teachers, we examined what the visit of the titular trolls, or actors from Theatre 21, most of whom have Down syndrome or autism, brings to the school and how these actions resonate with the participants.
Owing to the processual character of the evaluation, we were able to discover new research categories. Our research was of an abductive nature. Sensitizing concepts enabled the development of the main category of positive labeling.
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