The Influence of Atypical Surnames on the Formation of Identity and Self-Image During the Socialization Process
surname, identity, reactions of the social environment, shame, defense mechanismsAbstract
According to researchers dealing with the concept of identity, first and last names are considered to be an element of self-identification. Six nondirective interviews were conducted with people whose surnames are unusual, originating from words which in the Polish language denote, among other things, days of the week, plants, animals, personality traits. The analysis made it possible to conclude that surnames had had an influence on the formation of the respondents’ identity and self-image. The impact resulted mainly from various reactions of the social environment and the main consequence of these reactions involved an emotion of shame felt by the respondents. It aroused in them the need to use some defense mechanisms, such as self-irony, avoiding social activities, resentment, and apathy. If none of these tactics worked, and the negative reactions from the environment increased, the respondents gave up the defense mechanisms and eventually showed indifference. The analysis of the empirical material also made it possible to distinguish the meaning of family as a group which generates feelings of pride and attachment, thus helping the respondents to cope with the negative impact of the social environment.
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