Reproduction or change? Toward a new problematization of cultural phenomena and processes


  • Marcin Lubaś Uniwersytet Jagielloński



problematization, anthropological concept of culture, cultural changes, creativity, cultural creolisation, cultural variation, social distribution of cultural information, cultural integration and disintegration, social organization of cultural difference, religious syncretism, South-Eastern Europe, Republic of Macedonia


The text presents an outline of new problematization of cultural phenomena and transformations. This new problematization has emerged as a result of the critical debate on the classical anthropological concept of culture, which took place in anthropology in the last decades. New problematization repudiates an idea that cultures form discernible, bounded, and complex objects. It focuses on cultural change as a new object of reflection and study. We can find three clusters of problems at the heart of new problematization: the questions related to the problems of creativity, cultural variation, and cultural integration and disintegration. I put forward my own type of questions in order to address these large problems. I draw attention to the conditions of cultural changes, or more specifically, to the conditions constrain­ing the scope, tempo, and depth of cultural transformations. I bring these questions to the level of ethnographic analysis. Drawing on my own ethnographic data collected during the fieldwork in Western Macedonia, I attempt to highlight the problem of conditions that constrain the processes of cultural transformations.


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Author Biography

Marcin Lubaś, Uniwersytet Jagielloński

Marcin Lubaś, dr hab., antropolog społeczny, pracownik (obecnie także dyrektor) Instytutu Socjologii UJ. Interesuje się teorią antropologiczną, stosunkami międzyreligijnymi, przemianami relacji pokrewieństwa. Prowadził badania terenowe w zachodniej części Republiki Macedonii. Autor książek Rozum i etnografia. Przyczynek do krytyki antropologii postmodernistycznej (2003) oraz Różnowiercy. Współistnienie międzyreligijne w zachodniomacedońskiej wsi (2011).


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How to Cite

Lubaś, M. (2013). Reproduction or change? Toward a new problematization of cultural phenomena and processes. Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej, 9(3), 60–88.