Sociological Intervention «a la polonaise»: Alain Touraine’s Method in the Polish Context



Słowa kluczowe:

sociological intervention, Touraine, Poland, France, Solidarity, social movement, quantitative methods


In 1981, the French sociologist Alain Touraine (with a group of Polish young sociologists led by the veteran of Polish sociology – Jan Strzelecki), conducted a famous research on the Solidarity Movement with the use of a new and distinct method of investigation called “sociological intervention.” It was the first time that Polish sociologists, who were trained in a specific combination of Marxist and positivist traditions, had experienced this kind of ‘hard’ qualitative methodology. The reactions were mixed and the general approach was rather cautious. Nevertheless, the sociological intervention method has since been used several times by Polish scientists. The aim of this paper is to summarize these experiences.


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Biogram autora

Marcin Frybes - Centre d’Analyse et d’Intervention Sociologiques – École, des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris, France (CADIS-EHESS Paris)

Marcin Frybes holds a PhD in political science (ISP PAN) and is a CADIS researcher (Centre d’Analyse et d’Intervention Sociologiques) in Paris; has lectured, among others, at Collegium Civitas, Collegio de Mexico, UniversitéNancy II. He has won the PTS Special Award in 2013 for the best translation of a sociological text, namely Alain Touraine’s book After the Crisis (2013). H is domains o f r esearch include social movements, the post-communist transformation, and Western reactions to the Solidarity movement. He is the author and editor of 10 books and 60 scientific articles.


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Jak cytować

Frybes, M. (2019). Sociological Intervention «a la polonaise»: Alain Touraine’s Method in the Polish Context. Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej, 15(3), 70–90.

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