The delusional type of schizophasia: An analysis of schizophatic texts
schizophasia, schizophrenia, delusions, diagnosis of speech-language disorders, cohesion, coherenceAbstract
Schizophasia is usually associated with the incoherence of an utterance in its semantic and formal- ‑grammatical dimensions. The article raises the issue of pragmatic incoherence in text and proposes to include in the spectrum of schizophasia also statements relating to delusions. The article’s examples of analyses of statements of schizophrenic patients made with the help of scales for assessing schizophasia (TLC, SSRS – in Polish: KSOS) support this thesis. This thesis is confirmed by the examples included in the article of analyses of statements made by people with schizophrenia using scales for assessing schizophasia (TLC, KSOS).
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