About Mistakes Made by 4-Year-Old Children when Assessing their Lexical Resources


  • Ewelina Zając Uniwersytet Łódzki, Wydział Filologiczny, Instytut Filologii Polskiej i Logopedii, Zakład Dialektologii Polskiej i Logopedii, ul. Pomorska 171/173, 90-236 Łódź https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5076-8347




vocabulary, understanding, speech therapy, preschool children


The aim of this article is to present the results and to analyze the research on the vocabulary of 4-year-old children, without neurological disorders and within intellectual norm. As for the study, 4-year-old children were selected, because at this age a child already has some knowledge about himself, the family, preschool, and general environment. Then he makes new acquaintances influencing the development of passive and active speech. This is the age when a particular increase in vocabulary can be observed. The aim of this research is to show the types of errors (thematic, phonetic, semantic) and to identify the parts of speech with which these children have the most or the least difficulties understanding.



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How to Cite

Zając, E. (2021). About Mistakes Made by 4-Year-Old Children when Assessing their Lexical Resources. Logopaedica Lodziensia, (5), 185–194. https://doi.org/10.18778/2544-7238.05.12

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