The opinion of mortgage loans denominated in a foreign currency by the young generation in Poland




loans, mortgages, young generation, students, opinion, point of view, mortgagors


The purpose of the article: The aim of the article is to show a point of view of young potential mortgagors on the topic of mortgage loans denominated in a foreign currency.

Methodology: Analysis of data gathered by questionnaire entitled “The opinion of mortgage loans denominated in a foreign currency by the young generation in Poland” containing both closed-ended and open-ended questions. The research was conducted using CAWI method on 327 respondents. The selection of the sample was random.

Results of the research: The analysis of data provided by questionnaire revealed that young generation fears loans inter alia those denominated in foreign currency. Fear of the loans is caused by bad experiences their relatives and lack of knowledge respondents themselves, who more than once showed poor familiarity in terms of loans and repayment terms. Although they would not like to take any loan, they are still aware of its benefits and do not deny possible necessity of taking mortgage loan. Preventive measures are rather ineffective with no sight of improving. It is necessary to mend a level of awareness especially concerning credit risk and interest rate risk which was revealed based on experience related to the KNF and UOKiK campaigns.


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How to Cite

Buta, B. (2022). The opinion of mortgage loans denominated in a foreign currency by the young generation in Poland. Journal of Finance and Financial Law, 2(34), 67–84.


