The Essence and Significance of Financial Instruments for Enterprises in Poland in 2010-2018




financial instruments, non-financial enterprises, financial results


The purpose of the article/hypothesis: The aim of the study is an attempt to show the degree of use of financial instruments by non-financial enterprises operating on the Polish market and to determine whether their application translates into the financial results achieved by these enterprises. The hypothesis was adopted that the importance and use of financial instruments by enterprises on the Polish market is not significant, however, as a result of global transformations and the growing importance of financial markets, the activity of entities in this respect will increase.

Methodology: In order to determine the degree of use of financial instruments among enterprises, the data published by the Central Statistical Office (GUS) for the years 2010–2018 were used and the key indicators illustrating the involvement of enterprises in the instruments available on the financial market were calculated. The literature on the subject was also reviewed and analyzed.

Results of the research: The conducted considerations that non-financial enterprises in the polish market showed an increase in involvement in financial activities, as evidenced by the growing share of financial instruments, both on the active and passive side. On the passive side, the use of credits and loans in financing the activities of entities increased. This increase, however, did not translate into the use of the effects of financial leverage in the surveyed enterprises and an increase in the profitability of equity. In the case of assets, in the analyzed period there was an increase in the involvement of free funds in investments, mainly due to an increase in equity financial instruments. However, the analysis of financial revenues in total revenues may suggest that greater involvement in the financial sphere does not translate into profitability of assets and the results of the surveyed entities. It should be emphasized, however, that the development of the financial market and the increasing availability and variety of financial instruments strengthen the interest of enterprises in capital investments.


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How to Cite

Paduszyńska, M. (2020). The Essence and Significance of Financial Instruments for Enterprises in Poland in 2010-2018. Journal of Finance and Financial Law, 3(27), 109–124.




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