The study of the students' awareness of the University of Lodz in the field of carousel crimes in the tax on goods and services
carousel, VAT tax, University of Lodz, tax due, input taxAbstract
The tax on goods and services since its introduction in 1993 is an important source of revenue for the state budget. Poland was preparing to join the European Union, which is why it had to rebuild the tax system in order to adapt it to meet the requirements of the market economy. As a result of the changes, the system of collecting the tax on goods and services imported in the territory of the country in which VAT settlements are made in the scope of intra-Community trade in goods has been abolished. This contributed to the creation of a criminal mechanism – a carousel tax, consisting in the movement of goods between the Member States of the European Union in a very complicated way. The final stage of the carousel tax is extorting the tax refund and avoiding paying it. The aim of the article is to examine the awareness assessment of students of the University of Lodz about economic and legal trends regarding carousel crimes, which cause a budget gap and a threat to honest entrepreneurs depriving them of input tax deductions. The article puts forward the following research hypothesis, whether the current curriculum in economics and law faculties of the University of Lodz is sufficiently adequate and adequately makes students aware of the mechanism used by dishonest entrepreneurs. Studies were carried out among students of the University of Lodz, studying economic and legal studies. The study attempts to assess whether the current teaching program of the University of Lodz provides relevant knowledge regarding carousel tax. Students of economics and law faculties should be prepared for such situations and allergic to thorough verification of new contractors. Knowing the mechanism of extortion of the tax on goods and services using the carousel method, the phenomenon occurring in the economy, not only in Poland, but also in Europe, will be significantly reduced.
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