Faith in the Creative Power and Dynamic Concept of Existence in the Novellas by Stefan Grabiński – on the Examples of The Realm and Grot, the Engine-Driver


  • Tomasz Rożkiewicz Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie



Stefan Grabiński, creative power, élan vital, madness, the psychological structure of the character


In his short prose, Stefan Grabiński often referred to issues connected with fields related to literature in order to deepen the psychological portrait of the characters he created. In the novellas I selected, the author refers to philosophy (including Bergson’s theories) and psychoanalysis, which allows him to create credible and true-tolife figures whom he, at the same time, places in worlds that are plastic enough to become the arena of uncanny stories. Both The Realm and Grot, the Engine-Driver seem to be evidence of Grabiński’s prosaic genius, which he could demonstrate to the full in his novellas. Therefore, the article that I present is a peculiar reconnaissance, aimed at emphasising the virtuosity of this Polish classical writer of horror stories, and at pointing out his high competences in the field of constructing complex and true-to-life characters.


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Author Biography

Tomasz Rożkiewicz, Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie

Tomasz Rożkiewicz – mgr, związany z Uniwersytetem Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie. W centrum jego zainteresowań badawczych znajduje się literatura grozy, szczególnie ta tworzona przez Edgara Allana Poego. Zajmuje się również badaniem wpływów tego amerykańskiego pisarza na kształtowanie się grozy literackiej na gruncie polskim.


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How to Cite

Rożkiewicz, T. (2017). Faith in the Creative Power and Dynamic Concept of Existence in the Novellas by Stefan Grabiński – on the Examples of The Realm and Grot, the Engine-Driver. Czytanie Literatury. Łódzkie Studia Literaturoznawcze, (6), 225–235.



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