Venice from Another Perspective


  • Francesco M. Cataluccio


Słowa kluczowe:

space experience, Venetian culture and art, Joseph Brodsky


This essay with a clearly personal touch is a narrative anchored in cultural texts which deals with experiencing Venice in a multi-faceted way. Talking about his many years of wandering around the city (in the company of, for instance, Joseph Brodsky) and describing places and architectural details important to him, the author argues that especially the mediation of painting, which also documented the history of Venice, allows for a better understanding of the phenomenon of the city. This fusion of the two modalities of experience is also reflected in the structure of the text, which closes the reflection on the contemporary condition of the city and various threats which Venice has to face.


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Biogram autora

Francesco M. Cataluccio

Francesco Matteo Cataluccio (1955) – studied philosophy and Polish philology in Florence and Warsaw. He is an author of many articles on the history and culture of Poland and Eastern Europe as well as an editor of the Italian edition of works by Witold Gombrowicz, Gustaw Herling-Grudziński or a collective Italian and Spanish edition of works by Bruno Schulz. He is known to the Polish reader as an author of books such as Niedojrzałość, choroba naszych czasów [Immaturity: Disease of Our Time] (ZNAK, Krakow 2006), Jadę zobaczyć, czy tam jest lepiej. Niemalże brewiarz środkowoeuropejski [I’m Going to See if It’s Better There] (ZNAK, Krakow 2012) and Czarnobyl [Chernobyl] (Czarne, Wołowiec 2013). His correspondence with Zbigniew Herbert was published in the volume Herbert. Studia i dokumenty [Herbert: Studies and Documents] edited by Piotr Kłoczowski (Warsaw, 2008). He received the Ryszard Kapuściński Award for Literary Reportage in 2013.


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Jak cytować

Cataluccio, F. M. (2020). Venice from Another Perspective. Czytanie Literatury. Łódzkie Studia Literaturoznawcze, (9), 227–234.




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