Homo Academicus Polonicus. Autotheories as Both Creative and Critical Academic Writing
autotheory, subversion, emotions, memoir, academic writingAbstract
The author explains and defines autotheories by analyzing Polish-language texts: Znikanie (Disappearance) by Izabela Morska, Polska, rozkosz, uniwersytet (Poland, Pleasure, University) by Michał Paweł Markowski and Harcowanie na planie. Her-storia stawania się matką-akademiczką w polskim uniwersytecie (Enter Stage Left. Her-story of Becoming Mother-Academic at a Polish University) by Beata Karpińska-Musiał. Upon reading of these texts, it becomes evident that there is a critical potential in autotheories that link academic writing with memoir. Autotheories are also an example of creative, literary academic writing.
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