Marriage between crime novel and history, a few remarks on ‘Retro Crime Stories’ by Konrad T. Lewandowski
retro crime story, alternative history, counterfactual historyAbstract
The author is of the opinion that in the late 20th a nd e arly 21st centuries we e xperience a peculiar restitution of history in miscellaneous literary types and trends, one example of which could be the output by Konrad T. Lewandowski. The main purpose of the article is to present the methods of ‘utilising history’ in his retro crime stories. Having demonstrated the features of the genre, Tierling-Śledź goes on to trace back various types of historical probability in Lewandowski’s works, his transitions from historical facts to ‘unexisting history’. She also poses a question about the consequences of handling history in such a fashion for the reader of historical prose in the early 21st century.
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