Meeting in Children's Literature Concerning Death – Finding Connections with Andrzej Nowicki’s Incontrology. With the Example of the Relationship with the Oldest Generation



Mots-clés :

education, andragogy, thanatopedagogy, meeting, children’s literature, Andrzej Nowicki, intergenerational meeting


Philosophy in literature may also be found in children’s books, especially those concerning such serious subjects as death. The authors of these books often introduce the philosophy of life and the meaning of death by showing them through the prism of a meeting of a child and an elderly person. What results from these meetings and what other qualities, apart from the context of familiarizing with death, can be found in these literary meetings? The reference point in the paper is Andrzej Nowicki’s philosophy of a meeting, i.e. incontrology.

Biographie de l'auteur

Justyna Sztobryn-Bochomulska, University of Lodz, Faculty of Educational Sciences

Sztobryn-Bochomulska, Justyna – doctor of social sciences in the field of pedagogy, Department of Andragogy and Social Gerontology of the University of Lodz. She specializes in general pedagogy, philosophy of education, thanatology, and thanatopedagogy. Member of the Bronisław Trentowski Philosophic Pedagogy Society and the Central European Philosophy of Education Society with seated in Prague.


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Comment citer

Sztobryn-Bochomulska, J. (2020). Meeting in Children’s Literature Concerning Death – Finding Connections with Andrzej Nowicki’s Incontrology. With the Example of the Relationship with the Oldest Generation. Nauki O Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne, 10(1), 40–50.