Creative potential of the Internet in terms of popularizing art. Blogs on classical music
pedagogy of creativity, popularizing art, the Internet, blogsAbstract
In this article, the Internet is presented from the point of view of the potential to stimulate creativity in the field of popularization of art. From numerous manifestations of popularization of art on the Internet, blogs about classical music were selected for analysis. The article consists of two parts: in the first one, the author attempts to define the creative potential of the Internet to disseminate culture through the prism of specific factors. The author uses the existing theories of creative climate and environmental stimulants and inhibitors of creativity. In the latter part, highlighted factors find application in the study of selected blogs about classical music. The research reveals a number of differences compared to traditional forms of popularizing art, and also leads to the conclusion that blogs are a form of the so-called everyday creativity stimulated by the creative potential of the Internet.
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