Cultures of Action and Shared Ways of Organizing the Construction of Sense


  • Jean-Marie Barbier Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers w Paryżu, Katedra UNESCO Kształcenia i Praktyk Profesjonalnych/CRF



culture, action, mind, sense


The object of the culture of action concept is the framework of thinking of entities and verbalization of activity. There has been observed a diversity of cultures of action in various fields, such as education, social work, therapy, management, scientific activity. The culture of action concept can be defined as a shared and evolving way of  organizing the process of constructing sense around the activity of the involved entities. It is close to the notion of episteme within the meaning given by Foucault and mental habit (habitude mentale) by Panofsky.

Author Biography

Jean-Marie Barbier, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers w Paryżu, Katedra UNESCO Kształcenia i Praktyk Profesjonalnych/CRF

Professor at the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers in Paris, where he created the Center for Research on Education and the Chaire UNESCO Formation et pratiques professionnelles, Doctor Honoris Causa of the University of Louvain. In Poland, the Śląsk Publishing House published in 2006 his book entitled Działanie w kształceniu i w pracy socjalnej, analiza podejść (Action in Education and Social Work, Analysis of Approaches) (Series: Library of Social Work). In 2016, the Publishing House of the University of Lodz released the translation of the second edition of the work: Vocabulaire d’analyse des activités. Penser les conceptualisations ordinaires, PUF 2017. Professor Barbier is preparing, in collaboration with Professor Marc Durand from the University of Geneva, the Encyclopédie d’analyse des activités (The Encyclopedia of Activity Analysis), which will be released by the publishing house PUF in 2017.


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How to Cite

Barbier, J.-M. (2016). Cultures of Action and Shared Ways of Organizing the Construction of Sense. Nauki O Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne, 3(2), 14–46.

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