Precursors of Education / Adult Education / Social Work in Radlińska’s Historical Generation




supra-individual biography, historical generation, precursors of education / adult education / social work, Helena Radlińska


The article offers an analysis of supra-individual biographies of eleven female precursors of education, adult education and social work, who lived and were active during the second half of the 19th and first half of the 20th centuries in several francophone countries (Belgium, France, Switzerland) and in the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The text is based on the recognition that biographical lines obtained from reading the descriptions of life and activity allow us to construct a symbolically-perceived historical generation. Helena Radlińska was one of the members of this generation. These biographies were collected by a team of scholars working in the network Recherche en éducation et formation (REF) and published in the book edited by Françoise F. Laot and Claudie Solar (2018b), which is analyzed in the article.

Author Biography

Ewa Marynowicz-Hetka, Uniwersytet Łódzki

Ewa Marynowicz-Hetka – social pedagogue, professor of humanities, professor emeritus of the University of Lodz, d.h.c. University of Ostrava. She is the editor-in-chief of the journal “Educational Sciences. Interdisciplinary Studies”, published by the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the University of Lodz and the University Press. Her research interests include: reflection on the foundations of social pedagogue’s action in the field of practice; education in social professions and to the action in the field of social work; epistemological and methodological rationales for constructing analytical tools for the analysis of activity in the field of practice. Recently, she published Pedagogika społeczna. Pojmowanie aktywności w polu praktyki (2019), Social Pedagogy: Comprehending Activity in the Field of Practice (2020).


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How to Cite

Marynowicz-Hetka, E. (2022). Precursors of Education / Adult Education / Social Work in Radlińska’s Historical Generation. Nauki O Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne, 15(2), 259–270.

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