Transversal Activity Analysis and the Transformation Paradigm




transversal activity analysis, transformation paradigm, social pedagogy, transversal reason


The aim of this article, intentionally prepared for the thematic issue “Thinking transformations”, is to discuss how the transversal approach to the analysis of activity and the paradigm of transformation present in Jean-Marie Barbier᾽s work permeate the socio-pedagogical perspective. The text discusses the epistemological framework and features of the transversal approach as well as its relationship to the transformation paradigm. The concept of the transversal analysis of activity and its connections with the transversal paradigm of transformation in social pedagogy is also introduced.

Author Biography

Ewa Marynowicz-Hetka, Université de Lodz, Pologne

Marynowicz-Hetka Ewa, social pedagogue, Professor Emeritus of the Humanities, University of Lodz, D.H.C. University of Ostrava. Research interests: reflection on the basis of social pedagogy in the field of practice; training for social professions and action in the field of social/societal work; epistemological and methodological issues of social comprehension as a discipline and as orientation of social activity. She is the editor-in-chief of the journal “Educational Sciences. Interdisciplinary Studies” produced by the Faculty of Educational Sciences at the University of Lodz and the Lodz University Press.


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How to Cite

Marynowicz-Hetka, E. (2021). Transversal Activity Analysis and the Transformation Paradigm. Nauki O Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne, 13(2), 48–65.

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