Quality of public space of town centre – testing the new method of assessment on the group of medium-sized towns of the Łódź region
quality of public space, town center, medium-sized towns, Łódź region, Bełchatów, Ozorków, Piotrków Trybunalski, Radomsko, Wieluń, Zduńska WolaAbstract
This paper presents the outcomes of research on the quality of public space of town center, led in chosen medium-sized towns of Łódź region, using the authors’ method of assessment. Method consists of three elements: graphic valorisation, checklist valorisation and surveys, each of them giving numerical results, which enables comparison of the quality of public space in different aspects. The final effect of the method is ranking of towns, which can be analysed applying adopted criteria. Research revealed that the most important criterion of the high quality of public space of town center is well planned and executed revitalisation program, which introduces positive changes in all aspects identified as factors of quality of public space, between them animation of new activities.
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