Experiencing Class in the Micro-Sociological Perspective: The Case of Academics
classism, class neurosis, cultural taxation, class stigma, impostor syndromeAbstract
The article focuses on sensitising concepts that allow us to capture the individual dimension of class experience with particular emphasis on the biographies of academics with working-class origins. The study is based on a secondary analysis of qualitative empirical research and theoretical concepts related to upward mobility. Due to the incomparability of various sources, the work is not a classic meta-analysis, but a hermeneutic comparison instead. Many of the analyzed works have been based on autobiographical sources with a clear therapeutic dimension. Writing allows authors to work through past experiences related to rapid upward mobility. Although the analyzed works are not strictly theoretical in nature, they are not devoid of self-theorizing that is typical of each biographical work. In the course of the analysis, the concepts of class shame, impostor syndrome, class stigma, cultural taxation, and class neurosis were identified and studied in detail. The aim of the article is to extract and organize sensitising concepts that might prove useful in interpreting new empirical data.
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