Work in “Small Food Business” from the Perspective of Employed in Warsaw and Vienna: A Case Study
work, catering industry, flexibility, precarization, coronavirusAbstract
The aim of this article is to present the organisation and working conditions in ‘small food business’, focusing on the precarization of work and its bodily experience by workers. The article is based on a case study of two small – in terms of number of employees – privately managed establishments located in Warsaw and Vienna, respectively. Qualitative field research was conducted in 2022 and 2023. According to the research, work in the ‘small gastronomy’ is characterised by a high degree of flexibility and the precariousness of work, but these mean slightly different things to those employed in Warsaw than to those in Vienna. Moreover, working in the catering industry turns out to be a job that fulfills important needs and values of post-fordist workers. The article also examines the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the experiences of those employed in the studied establishments.
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