Reciprocity (?) of Perspectives in the World of Classical Music. Autoethnography of Sociologist-Observer and Japanese Language Translator


  • Beata Kowalczyk Wydział Filozofii i Socjologii IS UW, ul. Karowa 18, 00-927 Warszawa



analytic autoethnography, Japanese musicians, Japanese culture, world art, language, sociology of artistic profession


This paper lays out advantages and disadvantages of the practical use of analytic autoethnorgaphy (Leon Anderson 2006) in qualitative research focused on professional careers of artists in art world (Howard Becker 1982), namely that of classical music. The research concerned the problem of networking and culturally conditioned interactions between Japanese and Polish artists involved in international artistic projects. While observing the process of cooperation between the abovementioned groups of artists, the researcher played the role of translator and so-called intercultural mediator, and as such became a member of their artistic reality (In-Complete Member Researcher). This fact justified the application of autoethnographic paradigm – though in an altered form – to the research and thus, enabled the author to better understand the process of social construction of intercultural interactions. Furthermore, by presenting the results of autoethnographic analysis, the author is also trying to show how this method serves as a tool which enhances validity and reliability of data collected through a foreign language (here: Japanese). 


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Author Biography

Beata Kowalczyk, Wydział Filozofii i Socjologii IS UW, ul. Karowa 18, 00-927 Warszawa

Beata Kowalczyk, doktorantka w Instytucie Socjologii UW, absolwentka japonistyki i socjologii na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim oraz Interdyscyplinarnego Kulturoznawstwa na Uniwersytecie Tokijskim. Stypendystka rządu francuskiego, a także dwukrotna stypendystka rządu japońskiego. Autorka artykułów naukowych na temat literatury, filmu, teatru i społeczeństwa japońskiego, tłumaczka japońskiej literatury. Publikowała w „Dialogu”, „Acta Asiatica Varsoviensia”, „Asian and African Studies”, „Przeglądzie Orientalistycznym”. Obecnie zajmuje się karierami artystów japońskich.  


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How to Cite

Kowalczyk, B. (2014). Reciprocity (?) of Perspectives in the World of Classical Music. Autoethnography of Sociologist-Observer and Japanese Language Translator. Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej, 10(3), 202–221.

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