Polish translations of foreign humanities texts and "knowledge-based society"


  • Marek Czyżewski Uniwersytet Łódzki, Polska




Habermas and raisonnement, Criteria for translation quality assessment, Knowledge-based society, Foucault and "governmentality", Remedial recommendations


The real boom of Polish translations of foreign professional literature in the humanities is not a value in itself. In this field, as in many others, the quantity is not associated with quality, and there are so many misleading translations that they begin to threaten the quality of education. The author proposes criteria for assessing the quality of translation and presents illustrations of situations where these criteria are not met. Reasons of the decline in the quality of translations are examined in the area of complex conditionings, both economic and cultural, in particular those relating to the actual function of the so-called knowledge-based society. The skeptical overview of the knowledge-based society (and the mainstream sociology as its intellectual legitimation) is encouraged by the findings of the Foucauldian concept of "governmentality". Seen in this light, the knowledge-based society is proving to be one of the "dispositivs" of neoliberal "governmentality". It would be worthwhile to consider whether there might be some reasonable alternative to the extensive model of publishing Polish versions of foreign scholarly literature enforced in recent years. The dominance of the "knowledge-based society" cannot be eliminated for a number of reasons but it should be avoided whenever possible, also in the field of translation. For this purpose, a list of recommendations has been proposed, whose application could limit the negative trends in the quality of translations.


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Author Biography

Marek Czyżewski, Uniwersytet Łódzki, Polska

Marek Czyżewski, dr hab., prof. UŁ – kierownik Zakładu Badań Komunikacji Społecznej w Instytucie Socjologii Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego. Główne zainteresowania: komunikowanie publiczne i masowe; opinia publiczna i demokracja; przemoc, wojna i pamięć zbiorowa; "język wrogości" i mowa nienawiści; społeczeństwo wiedzy i "rządomyślność"; komunikacja międzykulturowa i międzynarodowa; jakościowe badania społeczne (głównie analiza dyskursu i retoryki publicznej oraz socjologia interakcji); teoria społeczna.


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How to Cite

Czyżewski, M. (2011). Polish translations of foreign humanities texts and "knowledge-based society". Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej, 7(2), 25–45. https://doi.org/10.18778/1733-8069.7.2.03