Social Perspective of Sport. (Difficulties With) Defining the Issue and Its Discourse
Sport Definitions, Attributivity, Contextualism, Sociology of Sport, Sport DiscourseAbstract
The main aspect of social popularity of sport is its specific discourse. Sport terms are used to describe many phenomena from other social fi elds. It is easy to find many examples—“showing red card,” “penalty,” “faster—higher—stronger,” “fair play.” Sport delivers the rules of rivalry, offers particular ways for cognitive structuring of the world (rankings, records, measurements), emphasizes the role of corporality, and underlines the need for transgression. Nevertheless, notwithstanding its discursive embedment, it remains a phenomenon difficult to defi ne within the context of social sciences. This text represents an attempt to elaborate this kind of perspective. The definition at hand is supposed to consider the internal diversity of sport. On the other hand, it should provide the researchers with empirical research tools. The paper consists of introduction and three parts. Firstly, the social specificity of sport is described. Secondly, two different ways of defining sport are introduced—attributive and contextual. Finally, the third way of defining sport is suggested—structured contextualism.
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