Directions in the research of the legacy of Sabina Grzegorzewska of the Gostkowskis (based on the material of the Scientific Library of the PAAS and the PAS in Cracow)


  • Maria Berkan-Jabłońska Ph.D. hab., Professor of University of Lodz, University of Lodz, Chair of Literature and the Traditions of the Romanticism, ul. Pomorska 171 /173, 90-236 Łódź



Grzegorzewska, 19th century Polish diaries, personal archives, literary legacy, genetic criticism


The aim of the article was to describe the collection of manuscripts preserved in the family archives as a memorial to Sabina Grzegorzewska née Gostkowska, a 19th‑century writer, which are currently in the possession of The Scientific Library of the PAAS and the PAS in Cracow. That analysed archival legacy consists of various documents, which include a few letters, several rough drafts with notes and quotations on Grzegorzewska’s philosophical and religious lectures, excerpts from her dissertations, and drafts and fair copies of novels and memoirs. The article presented their content and material condition. The prospects for further processing of that legacy were also discussed. An important issue is the question on the importance of the task for the history of Polish literature of the 19th century, especially with regard to the creator of minorum gentium. According to the author of the article, it would be reasonable to link the methods of the analysis of avant-textes, adopted in genetic research, with the proposals of the so-called cultural genetics.


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Author Biography

Maria Berkan-Jabłońska, Ph.D. hab., Professor of University of Lodz, University of Lodz, Chair of Literature and the Traditions of the Romanticism, ul. Pomorska 171 /173, 90-236 Łódź

Maria Berkan-Jabłońska, Ph.D., professor of the University of Lodz, she works at the Department of Literature and the Traditions of the Romanticism, University of Lodz. Her focus in 19th-century literature. Currently, her research mainly centres around the notions of Romantic correspondence of the arts, works by women in the inter-uprising period (between the 1830s and 60s), 19th-century popular literature (including crime stories), and the issues of the reception of Polish 19th-century writings abroad. She is the author of: Wizje sztuki w twórczości Zbigniewa Herberta (Łódź 2008), Arystokratka i biedermeier. Rzecz o Gabrieli z Günterów Puzyninie (1815–1869) (Łódź 2015), Weredyczki, sawantki, marzycielki, damy... W kręgu kobiecego romantyzmu. Studia i szkice z kultury literackiej kobiet okresu międzypowstaniowego (Łódź 2019); she was the co-editor of: Mickiewicz wielu pokoleń twórców, badaczy i czytelników (Łódź 2008), Przygody romantycznego „ja”. Idee – strategie twórcze – rezonanse (Poznań 2012).


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How to Cite

Berkan-Jabłońska, M. (2019). Directions in the research of the legacy of Sabina Grzegorzewska of the Gostkowskis (based on the material of the Scientific Library of the PAAS and the PAS in Cracow). Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica, 55(4), 9–30.

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