Text Poverty Syndrome as a Type of Schizophasia: an Example of an Analysis of Schizophatic Texts
schizophasia, schizophrenia, diagnosis of speech-language disorders, cohesion, coherence, poverty of speechAbstract
Speech disorders occurring in schizophrenia are often interpreted in terms of semantic disorganisation or pragmatic incoherence of utterances. The article raises the issue of textual poverty and proposes to include in the schizophasia spectrum also content- and formally reduced utterances in which this defect occurs independently or outweighs the presence of other schizophasia symptoms. This thesis is supported by examples of analyses of the utterances of people with schizophrenia . The thesis of the occurrence of utterance poverty is also supported by neurofucational models of schizophrenic syndromes.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18778/2544-7238.07.16
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