The Need for Educating of Specialists in Rehabilitation of Voice Disorders




voice emission, voice disorder rehabilitation, speech therapist education


Rehabilitation of voice disorders, which the author treats as a branch of voice emission, gathers knowledge and practice to help patients with voice disorders. In view of the increasing number of people with voice disorders of various origins, there is a need to educate specialised personnel dealing with such patients. The introduction of specialised training programs in this area contributes to improving the quality of care for patients with voice disorders. Voice rehabilitation specialists are a new, highly qualified professional group with professional training in the diagnosis and therapy of various voice disorders. In addition, the author also argues for the separation of voice emission as a separate sub‑discipline of speech therapy, with its own research subject, goals and tasks. In the further development of voice emission, it is extremely important to coin specialised terminology as a basis for the formulation of further research objectives, with particular emphasis on the rehabilitation of voice disorders.


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How to Cite

Szurek, M. (2023). The Need for Educating of Specialists in Rehabilitation of Voice Disorders. Logopaedica Lodziensia, (8), 147–159.