Developmental Language Disorder and Late Talkers. If, How and When It Is Possible to Distinguish Between Them?




SLI, DLD, delayed speech development, speech therapy diagnosis, speech therapy, speech development stimulation


  The article deals with the topic of the differential diagnosis between delay in speech devel­opment, which has no consequences in the future, and the situation when it is a symptom of a disorder that accompanies a person throughout life, called alalia in Polish speech therapy, and Developmental Language Disorder in English. The author suggests undertaking the di­agnosis of a child regardless of its age, treating each child with delayed speech development as endangered with alalia and undertaking appropriate revalidation procedures at an early stage of development.


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How to Cite

Bielenda‑Mazur, E. (2022). Developmental Language Disorder and Late Talkers. If, How and When It Is Possible to Distinguish Between Them?. Logopaedica Lodziensia, (6), 25–36.

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