Semantic Verbal Fluency Test in the Logopedic Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Dementia – Selected Aspects
Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, semantic verbal fluency test, speech therapy diagnosisAbstract
The article attempts to demonstrate the usefulness of the semantic verbal fluency test in speech therapy diagnosis of people diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. The basic concepts of verbal fluency, especially semantic, were discussed, the test was characterized, its structure was described, the test procedure was presented and the proposed analysis of the results was discussed. The test is one of the most frequently used tools for assessing resources of the mental lexicon, the method of storing knowledge and the possibility of recalling it. Provides knowledge about the quality of linguistic processes. The way of carrying out verbal fluency tasks (the number of generated concepts consistent with the criterion, the number of clusters and their resources, the nature of errors) proves the quality of linguistic processes and the state of semantic memory. Difficulties with updating concepts may be a significant symptom of developing dementia processes, especially in the early stages of AD.
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