Risk Perception versus Risk Preference among Future Financial Market Participants – A Pilot Study





capital market, investors’ risk aversion


The purpose of the article. The purpose of this pilot study was to assess the level of risk measured by the SIRI risk questionnaire and the psychological test from the section ‘People Value Changes, not States’ from the article ‘Aspects of Investor Psychology' by Kahneman and Riepe. Another objective was to evaluate the relationship between the level derived from the tests and the risk attitude of market participants.

Methodology. The pilot study was conducted between February and June 2023. A quantitative method was used to verify the hypothesis. A survey tool was used and 36 students of Finance and Accounting major were surveyed. The survey consisted of the SIRI risk questionnaire, the Kahneman and Riepe psychological test, and a metric, which included questions on the socio-demographic characteristics of the sample such as gender, and a year of study.

Results of the research. The pilot study found a negative moderate correlation between stimulus risk and instrumental risk, and a negative moderate correlation between instrumental risk, risk aversion and gambling propensity.


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How to Cite

Radke, M., & Ślaśko, K. (2024). Risk Perception versus Risk Preference among Future Financial Market Participants – A Pilot Study. Journal of Finance and Financial Law, 3(43), 7–21. https://doi.org/10.18778/2391-6478.3.43.01


