The best way out is always through. Metaxy-anthropology of Ewa Nowina-Sroczyńska
master-disciple relationship, crisis of the university, academic life, Ewa Nowina-Sroczyńska, transgression, anthropology beyond anthropology, metaxy-anthropologyAbstract
The crisis of the university is the key word of the contemporary debate on the condition of the academic world. The aim of this article is to assess the master – disciple relationship (in the context of the organization of academic life, and the development of science) on the example of Professor Ewa Nowina-Sroczyńska. In the mode of intimate ethnography, the author – her student – analyzes the influence of Professor Ewa Nowina-Sroczyńska on the development of the anthropological imagination of her students, and the original anthropological trend with her authorial signature. Thus, the article contributes to delineating the conceptual boundary of the anthropological school of Professor Ewa Nowina-Sroczyńska, which the author of the text calls metaxy-anthropology, inspired by Olga Tokarczuk’s essay. The article introduces the concept of the mother’s transparent arms as a (1) travesty of the title of the Professor’s book, (2) a metaphor for her original approach to anthropology, and (3) her own motherly attitude towards her students – strict but tender. The author assumes that the role of the master (his/her transparent arms) is necessary for a present university.
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