Successful Processes of Formation in the Society of Contradictions. Possibilities of Resistance and Reason
Bildung/education, growing-up, politicization, racism, democracyAbstract
The starting point of the analyses is the conviction that there is a connection between social relations and the possibilities of human formation. The author justifies this view by referring to the analyses of other theorists. In this context, the author raises the question of the possibility of successful growing up and formation in case of children and young people in capitalist societies, where the principle of equality of people is challenged and egoism is promoted, which constitutes the basis of market exchange.
The material in which the author finds the exemplification of the relationship between the individual development of children and the conditions in which they live is a book by Harper Lee To Kill a Mockingbird. The novel is written from the perspective of a little girl and captures the experiences of two years of her life significant for her biography.
The author reconstructs the conditions and processes of the formation of two siblings, indicating among other things how resistance is created as an attitude and as a potential of alternative acting to social pressure. Recalling the historical experience (racism, fascism, Stalinism), the author points out that looking for ties expressed in blind subordination to state power, the party, or the leader entails tragic consequences for humanity.
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