Diversity of market square buildings and their functions in the context of genetic types of market squares in small cities of the Lodz Voivodeship


  • Paweł Nowicki Uniwersytet Łódzki, Wydział Nauk Geograficznych, Instytut Zagospodarowania Środowiska i Polityki Przestrzennej, Zakład Geografii Gospodarczej i Polityki Społecznej, ul. Kopcińskiego 31, 90-142 Łódź https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6811-4579




town square, public space, morphogenesis of towns, small cities, Lodz Voivodeship


The aim of the study is to assess the public space of market squares in small towns of the Lodz Voivodeship diversity in the field of spatial development and the function of buildings around the town square. The goal and scope of the research is primarily dictated by small numer of similar studies in the literature on the subject. Recalling the genetic context of the elements of the urban structure is to constitute a starting point for reflection on contemporary differences in the spatial development and functions of buildings around the town square. In the paper were used methods from landscape research, city morphology and functionalism (functional structure). The most important data sources were urban inventories and historical maps from the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century. The level of market square opening was assessed as well as the existing structure of the residential and service function according to gross floor area. In this respect, large variations were noted in the group of researched town squares. In some of the cities studied, the small number of buildings around the town square is still affected by the destruction of World War II. In the majority of the cities studied, services are the dominant function in buildings around the town square. The exception is the economically weakest Krośniewice, where the residential function dominate. The influence of historical factors, as well as the demographic and economic potential of cities, is noticeable on the contemporary condition of buildings around market square and its functions.


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How to Cite

Nowicki, P. (2019). Diversity of market square buildings and their functions in the context of genetic types of market squares in small cities of the Lodz Voivodeship. Space – Society – Economy, (30), 29–49. https://doi.org/10.18778/1733-3180.30.02


