The Social Construction of Animal Rights Based on the Example of the ‘Become Vegan/Vegetarian for 30 Days’ Campaign
animal studies, animal rights, values, social movements, discourse analysisAbstract
Classical explanations of the genesis of social values and norms refer to mechanisms that more or less directly facilitate the development of human societies. However, the explanation of moral norms pertaining to other species remains a riddle. The main theoretical idea of the article is to extend the catalog of ways in which norms emerge (according to Hans Joas’ classification). The article investigates the strategies of animal rights construction within pro-animal discourse using the techniques of structure and content analysis. The analyzed material was derived from the ‘Become Vegan/Vegetarian for 30 Days’ social campaign, whose main goal has been to motivate people to give a plant-based diet a try. Based on the analysis, four main strategies of attitude-change towards non-human species have been identified: a) the redefinition of animal status; b) the redefinition of human action; c) the redefinition of eating animals; and d) the signaling of positive consequences of animal rights implementation.
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