Gendering Memory: Intersectional Aspects of the Polish Politics of Memory




alternative memories, public sphere, private sphere, historical politics, herstory, emancipation of memory


The article is devoted to the process of gendering memory as a counterpoint to the politicization of memory observed in the Polish context. The core problem of the paper is a description of a local case of this type of gender ‘memory practising’ in the area of the public urban sphere, specifically one created by the Łódź Women’s Heritage Trail Foundation (ŁódźkiSzlakKobiet) – a gender-profiled female grass-roots initiative that is concerned with the city’s past. The article consists of three main parts referring to, respectively, the functioning of memory in the urban public sphere as a form of dialogue (hemerneutic-interpretative anthropology with Jurgen Habermas’ and Seyla Benhabib’s theories is the theoretical foundation here), the process of gendering memory (appearing alongside the narrative phrase and feminist proposals for the interpretation of memory as a form of its pluralization), and the presentation of the activities within the Łódź Women’s HeritageTrail Foundation’s particular initiative – namely ‘Women Routes in Łódź’ – as a kind of case study for the city as a landscape of memory. The paper deals with the tension observed between the politics of memory and the political practice, and the alternative memories that arise from the idea of multiplicity and polyphony, including the voice of women. The authors raise the issue of the genderization of memory in the context of an inquiry into how the pluralism of collective memory and the diversification of the public sphere develops as a result of the discourses and operation of the alternative memory, including gender-focused memory.


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Author Biographies

Inga B. Kuźma, University of Łódź, Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of Culture

Inga B. Kuźma, Associate Professor at the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of Culture (IEiAK), Univer­sity of Łódź – the director of IEiAK and also the head of the Centre of Social Innovations at the University of Łódź; a member of SIEF and a board member of F.E.R Eurethno. Her research interests include: social exclusion and in­clusion, empowerment of excluded groups, engaged and public anthropology, anthropological methodology, her­story. She is an expert in FEANTSA in the Housing Rights Cluster.

Edyta Pietrzak, Łódź University of Technology, Institute of Social Sciences and Management of Technologies

Edyta Pietrzak, Associate Professor of Social Sci­ences in the discipline of Political Science. She works in the Institute of Social Sciences and Management of Technologies at the Lodz University of Technology. She is the author of numerous scientific publications, the editor-in-chief of the ‘Civitas Hominibus’ yearbook, and an expert in EU social projects. Her major academ­ic interests include theories of citizenship, margins and peripheries of the public sphere, and the politics of di­versity.


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How to Cite

Kuźma, I. B., & Pietrzak, E. (2020). Gendering Memory: Intersectional Aspects of the Polish Politics of Memory. Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej, 16(1), 102–118.

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