Social Movement or Subculture? Alterglobalists in Central and Eastern Europe
Global Justice Movement, Social Movements, Central and Eastern Europe, Subculture, GlobalizationAbstract
Most of the research on the alterglobalist, also known as the global justice, movement has focused on Western Europe and North America, with occasional research on other parts of the world. There has been little research done on this movement in the post-socialist countries of Central and Eastern Europe. This paper attempts to fill this gap by exploring the key events of the movement, as well as the genealogy of grassroots social activism in the region. It offers insight into a movement that developed in a region that, due to its history, has been rather hostile to leftist ideologies and groups. This paper examines the development of the alterglobalist movement in the region and traces its inspirations and path dependencies. It also poses questions about the nature of the movement and ways to analyze it—whether as a politicized social movement or a subculture and lifestyle choice. The close connections of Central and Eastern European grassroots social movements to subcultures and counterculture might suggest a new and fresh perspective for studying social movements.
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