Family Changes in Iranian Kurdistan: A Mixed Methods Study of Mangor and Gawerk Tribes


  • Ahmad Mohammadpur Bu Ali Sina University, Iran
  • Juliet Corbin University of Alberta, Canada
  • Rasoul Sadeghi University of Tehran, Iran
  • Mehdi Rezaei University of Tehran, Iran


Słowa kluczowe:

Family Changes, Modernization, Mixed Methods Research, Grounded Theory, Mangor and Gawerk Tribes


Over the last few decades, the Iranian Kurdish society, including family and kinship systems, has experienced enormous changes as a result of government implemented modernization efforts. This paper reports the results of a quantitative/ qualitative mixed methods study aimed at exploring (a) the nature of change in family and kinship systems and (b) how people understand and interpret these changes. The sample for this study was drawn from the Mangor and Gawerk tribes residing in the Mahabad Township located in the West Azerbaijan Province of Iran. Using standardized questionnaires, 586 people were sampled as part of the quantitative portion of the study. For the qualitative portion, data was collected on 20 people using both in-depth interviews and participant observations. The quantitative data was analyzed by SPSS software and the qualitative data was interpreted using grounded theory procedures. The quantitative findings showed that the urbanization, modern education, and mass media have all contributed to the emergence of a new form of family and kinship life. In addition, while supporting quantitative findings, the qualitative results revealed that participants were aware of and sensitive to sources, processes, and effects of modernization on their family and kinship life.


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Biogramy autorów

Ahmad Mohammadpur - Bu Ali Sina University, Iran

Ahmad Mohammadpur is an Iranian Kurdish sociologist and ethnographer at Bu Ali Sina University in Hamedan, Iran. He has conducted fieldwork on the Sardasht, Baneh, Ouraman and Mahabad Regions of Iranian Kurdistan. Mohammadpur has published several books and ethnographies including Method for Method: on Structure of Knowledge in Humanity (2010), Counter Method (2 volumes set) (2010; 2011), Meta Method (2010), From Tradition to Modernization (forthcoming) and Experience of Modernization (forthcoming).

Juliet Corbin - University of Alberta, Canada

Juliet Corbin, an Emeritus Professor; she is well-known for her leading work in qualitative research methods, and especially Grounded Theory; among her valuable publications are: Basics of Qualitative Research: Techniques and Procedures for Developing Grounded Theory (1990; 1998; 2008) and Grounded Theory in Practice (1997).

Rasoul Sadeghi - University of Tehran, Iran

Rasoul Sadeghi is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Demography at the University of Tehran, Iran. His research interests include demography of ethnic and migrant groups, marriage and family changes, and social research. He is currently working on migration, adaptation and family dynamics.

Mehdi Rezaei - University of Tehran, Iran

Mehdi Rezaei is a PhD in Demography from the University of Tehran, Iran. His research interests are demographic dynamics of Iranian Kurdish populations, Kurdish studies and social research.


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Jak cytować

Mohammadpur, A., Corbin, J., Sadeghi, R., & Rezaei, M. (2012). Family Changes in Iranian Kurdistan: A Mixed Methods Study of Mangor and Gawerk Tribes. Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej, 8(3), 76–96.




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