On the possibilities of mutual inspirations between sociological subdisciplines. The example of the sociology of the body and the sociology of sport
sociology of the body, sociology of sport, sociological subdisciplines, sociology in PolandAbstract
The aim of the paper is to present the phenomenon of the division of sociology into subdisciplines, using the sociology of the body and the sociology of sport as examples, and to show the possibility of mutual inspirations between the achievements of the two subdisciplines. The starting point of the analyses is the critique of the major theoretical projects of Robert Merton and his postulate of building a middle-range theory. The analyses refer also to Talcott Parsons’ idea of specialisation. The analytical concepts referred to include Nicolas Mullins’ notion of four stages of the formation of new scientific disciplines (the normal stage, the network stage, the cluster stage and the stage of the formation of a new speciality/subdiscipline or discipline) and the typology of sociological subdisciplines proposed by Jakub Ryszard Stempień. The text also presents the characteristics of the two subdisciplines in question, the institutional context in which they operate, the preferred theoretical approaches, the peculiarities of the methodology used and the ethical issues involved in practising each subdiscipline. An example of this cooperation is the national scientific conference “Sociology of the Body and Sociology of Sport. The state of research and mutual inspiration”. The article presents the conclusions of this event, including the possibility of going beyond the framework of subdisciplines, as well as the advantages of adopting a non-subdisciplinary and general sociological perspective.
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