Editorial Instructions

Guidance for authors

Journals of University of Lodz are publishing scientific articles only after double-blind review, language and technical edition. We do not share our articles in pre-publication.

Editorial instruction

The preferred length of papers is between 32 thousand and 40 thousand characters (10-15 pages) together with graphics or/and tables. The first title page below the author’s name ought to include academic affiliations.

Please use Times New Roman font, size 12, 1.5 spacing.

Margins : left and right 2.5 cm; top and bottom 2 cm.

Source references in the text: please put the references in parentheses according to the scheme: author’s name, publication year: page number. Examples:

(Mazur 2002:78)

(Dahrendorf 1999, as cited in Judt 2011:108)

Author’s annotations may be formed as footnotes.

References: please prepare the bibliography according to the following example: author’s last name, initial of the first name, publication year (in parentheses), title (in italics), publishing house, place of publication; e.g.:

Bauman Z. (1993), Postmodern ethics, Blackwell publishing, Oxford

Clarke, Peter B. (ed.) (2009), The Oxford Handbook of Sociology of Religion, Oxford University Press, Oxford/New York

Jonston R.J. (1976), Residential Area Characteristics [in:] Herbert D.T., Jonston R.J. (eds.), Social Areas in Cities, vol. 1, Wiley, New York

Grant D.S., Wallace M. (1991), Why Do Stokes Turn Violent?, American Journal of Sociology, vol. 96, No.5

 Illustrations, graphics, figures, etc.: Please name and number them continuously (above the illustration, graphics), and below please note source references.

Abstract should be placed before keywords and the main text and consist of between 15 and 20 lines.

Manuscript layout: please note the order of sections:

  • Author’s full name
  • Affiliations
  • e-mail
  • Title (aligned to center)
  • Abstract
  • Keywords
  • Article (possibly divided into sections: introduction, main chapters and subchapters, conclusions etc.)
  • References

Please submit manuscript files in Word (as doc.), RTF or ODT as only these formats can be used during the production process.