Six theorems of the social disintegration theory


  • Jakub Ryszard Stempień University of Lodz, Faculty of Economics and Sociology, Institute of Sociology, The Department of Rural and Urban Sociology image/svg+xml



social system, society, social evolution, globalization, social disintegration theory


In the article the author’s own theoretical view, intended to describe the specificity and condition of contemporary society, is presented. The approach discussed in the paper refers to the functionalist tradition in sociology, emphasizing the systemic nature of such social entities as society. At the same time, the conventional premise of functionalism regarding the cohesive nature of social systems is rejected here. Accordingly, the theoretical approach proposed is called social disintegration theory. Six theorems of this theory are introduced and discussed in the paper.


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2023-11-30 — Updated on 2024-01-17


How to Cite

Stempień, J. R. (2024). Six theorems of the social disintegration theory. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Sociologica, (87), 89–99. (Original work published November 30, 2023)

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