Une larme de cognac and un soupçon de lait – About Some of the Nominal Quantifiers That Indicate Small Quantity
collocation, substantive quantifier, quantity, intensityAbstract
In this paper, I wish to present the analysis of collocations DET N1`de1` N2 in French, which is usually used to denote small or minimal amounts of a liquid. Dictionary paraphrases of the collocation referring to a ‘small amount of N` (fr. `petite quantitè de N) ) or ‘some N`(fr. `un peu de N) do not always describe the meaning and value of these expressions accurately. For example, ‘une pointe de whisky’ indicates not only a very small amounts of alcohol, but also a delicate touch of taste and, thus, a low degree of its intensity. Also the connectivity of DET N 1`de` with N2 described in dictionaries differs from the one found in the actual contemporary text use. DET N1`de` connects not only with nouns that mean different types of drinks (including alcohol/alcoholic) or liquids, but also with nouns denoting non-countable solids or abstract concepts referring most often to feelings and emotions as well as, surprisingly, music.
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