26th Heavy Artillery Battalion in 1937–1939
Polish Army, Artillery of the Polish Army, 26th heavy artillery battalion, Polish-German war 1939Abstract
The article describes the story of a little-known artillery unit of the Polish Army that existed in the years of the Second Polish Republic – the 26th Heavy Artillery Battalion. This unit was formed in the autumn of 1937 in Skierniewice in the area of the Corps District No. IV Łódź and was directly subordinated to the commander of the 26th Infantry Division. The creation of the 26th Heavy Artillery Battalion was one of the elements of increasing the firepower of the Polish infantry divisions. However, deficiencies in artillery equipment, caused that before the outbreak of the Second World War heavy artillery battalions were formed only in a few infantry divisions, including the 26th Infantry Division. Instead of the planned three batteries, the 26th Heavy Artillery Battalion had only two batteries (the first battery had three 105 mm cannons, and the second battery had three 155 mm howitzers). Discussed unit was mobilized in March 1939. Despite many difficulties and shortages in the equipment – mobilization was carried out efficiently, and the deficiencies were supplemented in the following weeks. In May 1939, the 26th Heavy Artillery Battalion was transported by rail to Wielkopolska (along with the 26th Infantry Division) and subordinated to the command of the „Poznań” Army. During the Polish-German war, battalion supported fire units of its own division while the battles over the river Bzura. During this time, the unit was destroyed and most of the soldiers were taken prisoner by the Germans.
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