Investigation of the Discourse of Polish Language Speakers Diagnosed with Mixed Aphasia




coherence, cohesion, discourse, mixed aphasia, utterance


There is still a lack of empirical scientific studies in the literature that focus, in line with the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF), on analyses of the discourse cohesion of people affected by aphasia, therefore their continuation seems to be of vital importance. This article presents the results of a study that aims to show the cohesion of speech and its disorders together with the grammatical and lexical means of discourse used by patients with mixed aphasia in relation to the type of aphasia, its severity and genre of discourse, as well as to the speech of healthy people. Free speech and descriptive, narrative and procedural discourse were collected using tasks and scripts from the AphasiaBank international database. After the subjects’ utterances had been transcribed and coded to identify and describe measures of cohesion, they were subjected to qualitative analysis. The quantitative analysis included measuring the number of cohesion measures and their variation. The results of the study confirm previous findings regarding the overproduction of speech of patients with mixed aphasia with a sensory component, which does not mean that the content they communicate is more comprehensible than that of other subjects. The most frequently observed discourse disorders are due to the occurrence of phonemic and semantic paraphrases, and the greatest difficulties are associated with the use of the verb aspect. Studies have shown that tasks using a series of pictures help maintain the sequence of events, and the majority of realisation disruptions are observed during the creation of a free narrative.


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Author Biography

Robert Dębski, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Instytut Glottodydaktyki Polonistycznej, Zakład Logopedii

dr hab. Robert Dębski jako współautor tekstu zmarł w kwietniu 2023.


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How to Cite

Dębski, R., Wójcik-Topór, P., & Malina, U. (2024). Investigation of the Discourse of Polish Language Speakers Diagnosed with Mixed Aphasia. Logopaedica Lodziensia, (10), 85–98.

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