Rehabilitation of Voice and Speech Disorders with the Original Method of Artistic Speech Therapy


  • Sylwia Maszewska Studio Głosu i Mowy Sylwia Maszewska; Poradnie Logopedyczne Świat Zdrowia Polimedica Alfa



artistic speech therapy, speech and voice disorders, original rehabilitation methods


The article focuses on the methods of vocal and speech rehabilitation developed by the author and based on her substantial experience and research into a strategy leading to maximum improvement or elimination of the disorders in particular patients and their medical conditions. What defines the scope of application of this approach, which the author named “artistic logopedics,” is the presentation of disorders resulting from the diseases in question. Moreover, the paper explains a method of activating the neuromotor areas of the face through the attachments of the levator labii superioris muscle and eliciting subsequent reactions in the movable articulators, which, together with the immovable articulators, lead to the strengthening of sound through the resonators of the nasopharynx. The author also describes the method of diaphragmatic breathing and the ability to control the airflow by conscious breath‑holding in the inspiratory position followed by suspending the sound in the resonators. This respiratory system is beneficial in both mastering the use of the voice professionally and healthy voice emission.


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How to Cite

Maszewska, S. (2023). Rehabilitation of Voice and Speech Disorders with the Original Method of Artistic Speech Therapy. Logopaedica Lodziensia, (8), 89–104.