Fin-Tech Sector – a Threat or a Chance for Banks?


  • Kamila Zelga Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach



Fin-Tech, traditional banks, regulations, cooperation


The ongoing globalization and dominance of modern technologies cause modifications on many current markets of goods and services. Banks emphasize the idea of equal opportunities for all market participants, but the question arises whether they are sufficiently flexible and competitively priced entities? It turns out that traditional banking is not a threat to the Fin-Tech sector, focused on cooperation in the recovery of the financial sector, adapting its services to customer expectations. It has been shown that Fin-Tech companies should submit their companies to financial sector regulations, which will result in creating equal rules of the game for all entities offering similar services and preventing regulatory arbitrage.


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How to Cite

Zelga, K. (2018). Fin-Tech Sector – a Threat or a Chance for Banks?. Journal of Finance and Financial Law, 3(19), 79–88.


